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Arbitrator to resolve disputes between business and controllers

It is proposed to provide an opportunity to appeal decisions of the inspecting bodies in the International Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the country in Kyrgyzstan. The Information Support Department of the Government’s Executive Office reported.

The day before, the Prime Minister held a meeting on the introduction of a moratorium on inspections of business entities. Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev stressed that its mechanisms should be carefully worked out and discussed with representatives of the business community.

«We must clearly determine the responsibility of controlling state bodies and entrepreneurs. Facilitation of doing business conditions should not abolish compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the safety of products sold. In case of violations of these conditions, severe penalties must be applied,» the head of government said.

The Minister of Economy Oleg Pankratov told about meetings with entrepreneurs to discuss further steps to improve the conditions for doing business in the country. One of the main factors hindering the development of business is the lack of mechanisms for resolving disputes between an entrepreneur and a controlling state body. In this regard, it is planned to introduce the possibility of applying to the Arbitration Court. The parties will choose arbitrators they trust to resolve disputes.
