USD 87.45
EUR 94.92
RUB 1.03

19 JSCs complete activities at profit

Monitoring of the financial and economic activities of joint stock companies showed that 19 of them completed it at a profit. State secretary of the agency Iliyaz Tashbaev announced at the board meeting of the State Property Management Fund following the results of work for 9 months.

According to him, the Fund optimized the activity of state enterprises. «Up to date, 37 state enterprises have been reorganized through affiliation in the form of branches, 90 have been reorganized into state institutions, five state enterprises have been liquidated,» Iliyaz Tashbaev said.

He added that in 2017 it was decided to reorganize small regional utilities companies merging them with the state enterprise.

«Kyrgyzzhilkommunsoyuz» was transformed into «Kyrgyzteploenergo», the state enterprise «Management of Sports Facilities and Sports Supply» under the State Agency for Physical Culture and Sports of Kyrgyzstan was transformed into institution, 26 basin and district water management departments under the Department of Water Resources and Land Reclamation of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic with the form of ownership «state enterprise» were transformed into state enterprises, seven state enterprises of bus stations were reorganized by merging into one state enterprise «Kyrgyzavtobeketi», a decision was made to liquidate the state enterprise «Temir,» the State Secretary told.

Thus, currently there are 104 state-owned enterprises.
