USD 87.45
EUR 94.92
RUB 1.03

City Day: Oak park of Bishkek (photo-report)

An educational festival and sport demonstration events are being held in Oak Park at the monument of Kurmandzhan datka.

Dozens of tents have been installed on the territory of the green zone. Employees of the centers of children’s creativity help everyone who wants to make crafts from paper, felt, volunteers teach how to draw, write hieroglyphics.

On stage a festive concert for children is organized. Nearby there is a yurt where visitors can get acquainted with the life of the Kyrgyz people.

Those who want, can play chess, national games, compete in the fight.

As promised, by the City Day the fountains were launched.

The mayor of the city and his team came to see the work of the festival.

Police officers monitor the public order.

The festival will last till 4 pm.
