USD 87.45
EUR 95.09
RUB 1.01

Tax officer detained in Talas region of Kyrgyzstan

The head of the Revenue Division of the Department of the State Tax Service for Aitmatovsky district was detained in Talas region.

According to the State Committee for National Security (SCNS), the tax officer was detained within a criminal case on illegal bankruptcy proceedings of Global Korumtor Mining LLC.

According to the investigation, the State Tax Service employee colluded with representatives of the LLC and illegally issued the company a certificate stating that the LLC had no outstanding tax liabilities.

«As a result, Global Korumtor Mining LLC was declared bankrupt and illegally exempted from making mandatory payments to the state in the amount of 213,134,589 soms,» the SCNS reported.

Later, the Tax Service employee, in order to conceal traces of issuing the fictitious certificate, entered into the database of the Department of the State Tax Service the information about the debt of Global Korumtor Mining LLC to the state in the amount of 213,134,589 soms.

Investigative and operational measures are being carried out within the framework of the criminal case to detect similar facts in the sphere of subsoil use.
