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Kazakhstan donates five locomotives to Kyrgyzstan

Kazakhstan donated five locomotives to Kyrgyzstan as part of ongoing cooperation in the field of transport infrastructure. The website of the Kazakhstan Agency for International Development (KazAID) says.

A batch of five locomotives was handed over to National Company Kyrgyz Temir Zholu, the largest railway carrier in Kyrgyzstan. The transferred locomotives include two shunting locomotives and three mainline locomotives, which came from the Kazakh railway stations Karataus, Zhem, and Shymkent.

The locomotives transfer was made possible thanks to the assistance of KazAID, which is actively working to strengthen ties and cooperation with neighboring countries in key areas, including transport, energy and infrastructure.

«This step demonstrates the continued successful implementation of official assistance that contributes to the development and strengthening of fraternal relations between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, as well as KazAID’s support for infrastructure initiatives,» KazAID noted.

The transferred locomotives will significantly improve freight transportation and maneuverability on Kyrgyzstan’s railways, contributing to the further economic development of the region.
