Cancer prevention: Free liver screening available in Bishkek

12:26, 05 марта 2025, Bishkek - news agency , Anastasia BENGARD

A liver fibro elastography room has been opened at the Republican Center for the Control of Viral Hepatitis and HIV to detect early-stage diseases and prevent liver cancer. The Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan reported.

The room is equipped with a FibroScan device, which can assess liver health completely painlessly. Unlike a biopsy, which is considered a surgical procedure, fibro elastography is quick and provides highly accurate diagnostics of pathological changes in liver tissues.

Thanks to support from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, the center received three FibroScan devices and three ultrasound machines.

The liver fibro elastography room started seeing patients on February 10, and 156 people have already been screened.


How to prepare for the screening:

  • Avoid food products that cause bloating (such as dairy products, legumes, pastries, and dark rye bread) for 24 hours before the procedure.
  • The examination is done on an empty stomach or 4–6 hours after a meal.

Where and when can you get screened?

Republican Center for the Control of Viral Hepatitis and HIV. Address: 8, Logvinenko Street, Bishkek

Screenings are free but require a referral from a Family Medicine Center doctor.

Working hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday — 8.30 a.m. to 12:00