Kazakhstan will open international industrial cooperation center Central Asia on the border with Uzbekistan. The Majilis of the Parliament of the country ratified the corresponding intergovernmental agreement.
According to the documents, the center will be located in the area of Gulistan and Atameken checkpoints, it is planned to build various facilities, including warehouses, terminals and processing plants on its territory. Chinese investors have expressed interest in participating in the project.
The launch of the center will expectedly help increase the trade turnover between the countries to $10 billion. According to preliminary statistics, it decreased to $4.3 billion as of the end of 2024.
As part of the agreement, two management companies will be established that will be responsible for organizing the work of the center on the territory of each of the states. It is expected that Central Asia center will be opened in 2027. It will operate in the format of a free economic zone.