12:52, 06 февраля 2025, Bishkek - uzsushi.com news agency , Gulmira MAKANBAI KYZY
Deputies approved in the third reading the introduction of new spelling options for surnames that reflect national traditions and historical heritage at a meeting of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan.
As one of the authors of the bill, deputy Mirlan Samyikozho, explained to uzsushi.com news agency, the document was developed so that citizens have the opportunity to choose surnames without Russian endings. It is worth emphasizing that the current spelling of surnames and patronymics will be preserved. The endings -ov, -ev, -vich, -vna will remain, they can only be changed at the request of the citizens themselves.
The draft law on amendments to the Family Code of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic «On Acts of Civil Status» proposes to supplement Article 1:
— by the father’s name, with the addition of «uulu» for male children and «kyzy» for female children or without the addition of such, or the endings in the genitive case «dyn/tyn», «din/tin», «dүn/tүn» for male children and the endings in the ablative case «dan/tan», «den/ten», «dөn/tөn» for female children are added to the father’s name. In these cases, a patronymic is not given to the child.
For example, Baktybekov Uson Zhakshylykovich, according to the proposed amendments, can be written as Baktybekov tegi Uson, Baktybektegi Uson Zhakshylyktyn, Baktybek Uson or Baktybek Uson Zhakshylyk uulu.
And Baktybekova Nurgul Zhakshylykovna — Baktybektegi Nurgul, Baktybektegi Nurgul Zhakshylyktan, Baktybek Nurgul, Baktybek Nurgul Zhakshylyk kyzy.