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Clergy of Kyrgyzstan opposes wastefulness at celebrations

The clergy also opposes wastefulness at feasts, the official representative of the Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of Kyrgyzstan (SDMK) Ravshan Eratov said during the discussion of a parliamentary initiative to fine for excessive spending on celebrations and funeral receptions.

He called the proposed bill timely and added that, indeed, there are cases of wastefulness during feasts, anniversaries, other celebrations, and funeral receptions.

«We are conducting explanatory work, but some do not listen, especially those who have money. However, there are many who support the reduction of such expenses,» Ravshan Eratov said.

He recalled that Islam does not prohibit celebrations and having fun, but is against wastefulness.

The representative of SDMK believes that fictitious customs have appeared recently that have nothing to do with religion or ancient traditions. They generate social inequality, encourage vanity: someone saw something at another celebration and certainly wants to do the same and even surpass it.

The muftiyat also notes that the proposed bill does not prohibit holding funeral receptions, but it is necessary to refuse large expenses. Modesty should be a priority when conducting rituals.

«In religion, there is no such concept as a «funeral reception». People hold them in memory of the deceased, considering it a religious obligation, but this is not so,» Ravshan Eratov said.

Recall, the draft law «On limiting wastefulness in conducting rituals, celebrations and traditions in the Kyrgyz Republic» was prepared by deputies of the Parliament Zamirbek Mamasadykov and Shaiyrbek Tashiev. The document has been submitted for public discussion.
