EEC predicts positive dynamics of business activity in Kyrgyzstan

12:29, 04 февраля 2025, Bishkek - news agency , Baktygul OSMONALIEVA

The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) notes a change in the dynamics of business activity in the EAEU countries.

According to published forecasts, the economies of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan remain in the recovery phase, while Russia and Belarus have entered a slowdown phase. Armenia has entered a phase of decline in business activity from the recovery phase.

It is noted that the results of calculation of coincident and leading indicators confirm a change in the dynamics of business activity in the states of the Eurasian Economic Union.

It is expected that in February of this year, the economies of the member states of the Union will maintain current trends.

Leading indicators are a forecasting tool used by the EEC to form an idea of ​​the direction of the dynamics of change in business activity in the states of the Eurasian «five» in the short term. They accumulate the most important information on short-term processes, reflecting the behavior of economic agents and overall economic trends.

According to the EEC data, at the beginning of 2025, the positive dynamics of business activity in the EAEU are predicted to continue.