USD 87.45
EUR 94.92
RUB 1.03

150 hectares of agricultural land allocated for housing construction in Batken

At least 150 hectares of agricultural land have been allocated for housing construction in Batken region. The head of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan, Adylbek Kasymaliev, signed the relevant resolution.

According to the document, plots of land in Masaliev rural area of Kadamdzhai district that are in state ownership will be transferred from the category of «agricultural land» to the category of «land of settlements». This is being done to expand the territories of Kojo and Alysh villages.

At least 147.1 out of 150 hectares are pastures, other 2.9 hectares are in the riverbed. The land plots are being transformed for the construction of individual housing.

The state administration of Kadamdzhai district has been instructed to amend the land registration documentation, develop and approve urban development documents for the plots.

Officials will also have to take measures to preserve historical and cultural heritage sites, if they are discovered in the specified areas.
