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Kyrgyzstan plans to open 40 tourist bases in 2025

First Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan Daniyar Amangeldiev held a meeting to discuss the development of tourism in Kyrgyzstan. Representatives of ministries and the tourism industry took part in it, the Cabinet of Ministers reported.

The main focus was on improving infrastructure for tourists, creating conditions for investment and developing new tourist routes.

Daniyar Amangeldiev emphasized that tourism is an important part of economic growth and job creation, noting the government’s efforts to improve infrastructure.

«In 2025, it is planned to launch 40 tourist bases throughout the republic. The offices of the presidential plenipotentiary representatives in the regions proposed locations, their total number:

  • Batken region — 7;
  • Jalal-Abad region — 29;
  • Issyk-Kul region — 40;
  • Naryn region — 34;
  • Osh region — 23;
  • Talas region — 10;
  • Chui region — 13.

In this context, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the need for construction of facilities in the given locations and the prospects for their commercial use, the necessary consultations with the local community and local investors. We have to improve service, develop unique routes and ensure safety at all stages of travel,» he said.

Development of a plan for the implementation of Tourist Bases project was also discussed, within the framework of which one tourist facility is planned to be launched in each region of the country.