USD 87.45
EUR 94.92
RUB 1.03

Tax concessions on profits for private schools extended until 2030

Tax concessions on profits for private schools have been extended until January 1, 2030. Deputy Minister of Economy of Kyrgyzstan Iskender Asylkulov announced at a meeting of Parliament.

Earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers presented a bill on amendments to some legislative acts of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of taxation. The document proposed to cancel tax concessions on profits for private schools from 2026. If the amendments are adopted, private educational institutions will be required to pay a tax of 10 percent on profits.

Deputy Gulya Kozhokulova recalled that a collective appeal on this issue was received from the Union of Educational Institutions, the Association of Children’s Educational Organizations, the Public Association of Entrepreneurs, the Women’s Forum Kurak NGO and others. They asked to keep tax concessions for private schools.

Iskender Asylkulov responded that tax concessions on profits for private schools were extended until January 1, 2030, following an appeal from entrepreneurs. However, according to him, monitoring showed that the provision of these benefits was ineffective.

Tuition at private schools is expensive. The cost is from $3,000 per year and up. And we exempt them from taxes.

Iskender Asylkulov

«A different story if the school is a non-profit organization, that is, it operates without making a profit. Such institutions are exempt from all types of taxes,» he emphasized.
