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Kamchybek Tashiev instructs to complete 1,200 apartments in Batken in 2025

Chairman of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS) Kamchybek Tashiev inspected mortgage houses under construction in Batken region. Region TV reported.

The chairman of the security services was told that residential buildings of 37 blocks are being built in the region. There will be 2,364 apartments in them.

Kamchybek Tashiev instructed to complete and hand over 1,200 apartments to residents by the fall of 2025.

«All 5,000 apartments (among them service apartments) should be completed in 2026. You have to take into account quality, convenience in the construction of houses. There should be underground parking lots, playgrounds, recreation areas. Do not use low-quality materials for the facade decoration so that they collapse in two or five years. Pay close attention to quality,» Kamchybek Tashiev said.

The head of the State Committee for National Security asked whether there were enough funds and materials to build the objects. The workers answered in the affirmative. At least 300 workers from among local residents are involved in the construction.