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Activity of religious sect Society for Krishna Consciousness suppressed

Illegal activities of a religious sect Society for Krishna Consciousness have been suppressed, the press center of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS) reported.

According to its data, the illegal activities of adherents of the sect Society for Krishna Consciousness, also known as Hare Krishna Movement, have been revealed and suppressed in Bishkek.

«Followers of the sect periodically organized activities under the guise of commercial sessions, i.e. purification of self-consciousness, psychological courses on self-development and so on with the involvement of a foreign missionary. They actively used methods of psychological influence as suggestion and manipulation, as well as individual (japa) and collective (kirtan) meditation, chanting mantras and secret religious rituals,» the statement says.

Members of the sect organized a conference with the participation of about 300 people in November 2024 in one of the hotels in Bishkek. Tickets were sold for 1,000-3,000 soms. It should be noted that most of the conference participants were not aware of the organizers’ involvement with the religious sect and the nature of the event.

Police officers and representatives of the State Commission on Religious Affairs came to the event with an inspection, who fined the organizers of illegal religious activities and drew up a protocol for 120,000 soms.
