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Most Kyrgyzstanis believe country is moving in right direction — WB survey

Kyrgyzstan is moving in the right direction in the area of ​​political, social and economic reforms. This is the opinion of about 89 percent of respondents obtained during the World Bank «Listening to the Kyrgyz Republic» survey. The press service of the Cabinet of Ministers reported.

Compared to 2021, there has been a significant growth in the area of ​​food security: the share of households provided with food has doubled from 41 percent to 86 percent. In addition, the proportion of households forced to reduce consumption or sell assets to meet basic needs has decreased.

Positive changes are also observed in the fight against corruption and in the dialogue between authorities and citizens. The indicators increased from 46 percent to 77 percent among the urban population, in rural areas — from 61 percent to 79 percent.

Confidence in the government’s fiscal policy increased from 53 percent in December 2021 to 85 percent in 2024.

The share of households with migrants has decreased from 14 percent to 8 percent, confirming a reduction in the flow of labor migrants. Only 1 percent of families are considering moving abroad, while in 2021 there were 13 percent.

Listening to the Kyrgyz Republic survey has been conducted by the World Bank monthly since December 2021. It is a monthly panel survey conducted via phone interviews with 1,500 households every month from all regions of the Kyrgyz Republic.
