USD 87.45
EUR 94.92
RUB 1.03

Legal Aid Office opened in Kadamdzhai to expand access to justice

A new Legal Aid Office was officially inaugurated, marking a pivotal step in enhancing access to justice for residents of Kadamdzhai district and the broader Batken province of Kyrgyzstan. UNDP reported.

The office offers timely and high-quality legal assistance, particularly for vulnerable groups.

This initiative is the result of a collaboration of the Legal Aid Service under the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Kyrgyzstan with support of the Government of Finland.

The Kadamdzhai district administration provided the premises on a complimentary basis, which were subsequently renovated and equipped to ensure high-quality legal assistance for the community.

«This office will significantly expand access to justice for the residents of Kadamdzhai district and beyond, providing critical support for those most in need. We highly value our mutual fruitful collaboration with the Ministry of Justice, as well as with national and local partners, in working towards the achievement of sustainable development,» Alexandra Solovieva, UNDP Resident Representative, stated.
