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Number of alcohol addicts grows: Interior Ministry asks to expand powers

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan has developed amendments to the Law «On Internal Affairs Bodies» and asks to grant police officers additional powers. The document has been submitted for public discussion.

The need for the bill is due to the increase in the number of offenses committed in public places under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other toxic substances, the ministry explained.

BBC Radio
Photo BBC Radio

«To date, the number of people in the country who abuse alcohol, drugs or other toxic substances has increased, who, by their actions or inaction, violate public order, thereby worsening the general appearance of the Kyrgyz Republic for the population and tourists, who have arrived from other countries,» the Ministry of Internal Affairs added.

The background statement also says that, «in addition, excessive abuse of alcohol, drugs or other toxic substances can cause a loss of the ability to move independently or navigate in the environment, which is dangerous to human health in winter.»

«A person in a state of severe alcohol intoxication often needs help and detoxification, because in the cold time of day a person falls asleep on the street and gets frostbite of the extremities, disability or it can cause a fatal outcome, if first aid is not provided.

The main task of the internal affairs agencies is to ensure public order, safety of the individual and society. The employees of the internal affairs agencies are empowered to detain and deliver citizens, who have committed an offense or crime. However, the law on internal affairs agencies does not provide for a legal part, where police officers have the right to deliver persons in a state of alcohol, drug or other toxic intoxication in public places to medical/specialized organizations in order to ensure public order, protect the health and morals of the population, protect the rights and freedoms of others,» the background statement says.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs wants the law to allow police officers to deliver intoxicated citizens to medical organizations.
