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Abrupt weather changes expected in Kyrgyzstan

Abrupt weather changes are expected in Kyrgyzstan on November 30, December 1, and December 2. Kyrgyzhydromet issued a weather alert.

According to the meteorological forecast, rain, snow at times, snow in foothill and mountainous areas are expected.

On the night of December 2, heavy precipitation is anticipated in some areas of Chui, Talas, and Jalal-Abad regions. Certain areas may experience fog, wet snow sticking to power lines and trees.

Packed snow, ice, and snow drifts are expected in foothill and mountainous areas. In some regions, the west wind is forecast to strengthen to 15–20 meters per second, and in the western parts of Issyk-Kul Lake’s basin, wind speed could reach 17–22 meters per second.

A drop in air temperature is expected in all regions of the country.

The unstable weather conditions will complicate the operation of transportation, communication, energy, and utility services, as well as grazing and keeping livestock on pastures.
