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Emergencies Ministry to limit livestock grazing and impose fines

First Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations of Kyrgyzstan Azamat Mambetov told about the measures being taken to combat pasture degradation caused by excessive livestock population growth.

He noted that, as part of cooperation with the forest service, it is planned to expand forest areas and regulate the number of animals grazing on forest fund pastures.

There are about 500,000 conventional heads of livestock in the country. Forestry pastures can only support 250,000. Excessive livestock population creates excessive pressure on the land, leads to deterioration of the grass cover and increases the risk of mudflows, as the land loses its ability to retain water.

To solve the problem, the authorities are planning a mass tree planting. At least 300 hectares of forest were planted in 2023, and work will continue this year. In particular, 300 hectares will be planted in Toskool-Ata forestry area in the south of the republic, and another 200 hectares will be planted together with Jalal-Abad region administration. In these areas, the soil is being prepared and holes are being dug to ensure better water retention, and the trees will be planted in the spring.

In addition, Azamat Mambetov emphasized that the ministry will monitor the livestock population and impose fines for exceeding the permissible number. In the future, the Ministry of Emergency Situations plans to more strictly regulate the livestock population in order to prevent further deterioration of the pastures. The official did not announce the size of the fine.
