15:47, 27 ноября 2024, Bishkek - uzsushi.com news agency , Baktygul OSMONALIEVA
The Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan proposes to name the highest unnamed peak in Talas region «Bakai-Ata». The Cabinet of Ministers sent a draft of the corresponding law to the Parliament for consideration.
The document was developed «for the purpose of assigning the geographical name «Bakai-Ata» to the highest unnamed peak of 4,457 meters in height of the mountain range located on the southwestern side of Kara-Sai village of Amanbayev rural area of Aitmatov district, Talas region.»
This peak is located 32 kilometers from the center of Kara-Sai village and 62 kilometers from the district center.
«Bakai is one of the main characters in the Manas trilogy... He is a warrior, a sage, a thinker and a mentor at the head of state education, ... he helps Chyirdy and Kanykei, who are being bullied by enemies, and tries to take the child and escape to Bukar. When Semetei turned 12, he became his assistant, informing him about enemies and telling him how to destroy them. The Seitek section describes the image of a wise old man at the age of 90, looking after the descendants of the hero Manas. Local residents held a meeting and supported assigning the name «Bakai-Ata» to the highest peak,» the initiator explains.