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Parliamentary committee approves amendments to law on CMIF budget

The Committee on Budget, Economic and Fiscal Policy of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan approved amendments to the law on the budget of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (CMIF) for 2024 and the planning period of 2026-2027 in the first reading.

The Minister of Health Alymkadyr Beishenaliev presented the relevant information to the deputies.

According to him, the updated parameters of the CMIF’s budget for this year in terms of income and expenditure will amount to 20,108,235 billion soms.

The official noted that the budget of the CMIF for 2025 is planned at 8,023,976 billion soms.

Deputy Kamila Talieva recalled the results of the audit by the Accounts Chamber, when discrepancies of 2,641,455.1 billion soms were revealed, and also raised the issue of organizing hemodialysis services in Leilek district of Batken region.

Her colleague Nadira Narmatova asked about the staffing units of medical personnel in kindergartens and schools, organizing hemodialysis services in other regions of the republic. Sharapatkan Mazhitova asked about the allocation of funds for the treatment of cancer patients and the purchase of medical drugs.
