Kyrgyzstanis assess religious situation in country as positive - survey

15:06, 18 ноября 2024, Bishkek - news agency , Baktygul OSMONALIEVA

Kyrgyzstanis assess the religious situation in the country as positive. Religious Situation Research Center under the State Commission for Religious Affairs obtained such data during a survey.

According to the center, 81.4 percent of survey participants characterized the state of the religious situation as positive.

The survey notes that 11.7 percent of respondents answered the question by assessing the situation as tense, while 2.2 percent called it explosive, and another 4.7 percent found it difficult to answer.

The largest number of optimists are among respondents aged 25–34 and 35–44 — 83.4 percent and 82.9 percent, respectively.

When asked whether the situation in the religious sphere in the country has improved or worsened over the past 2 — 3 years, 34.5 percent of survey participants said that there are significant changes, 34.3 percent believe that there are minor improvements, and 10.5 percent do not see any changes.

The survey was conducted as part of the implementation of the concept of state policy in the religious sphere for 2022-2026 and was aimed at obtaining data that would allow to analyze the dynamics of the influence of the religious factor on the socio-economic and political situation in the country, as well as to determine the level of religiosity of the population.

In the course of the study, 1,546 people aged 18 and older living in all regions answered the questions.