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Adilet party to participate in elections to Tokmak City Council

The Central Election Commission of Kyrgyzstan (CEC) has cancelled the decision of the Tokmak Territorial Election Commission on cancelling the registration of the list of candidates from Adilet party. The decision was made at a meeting of the Central Election Commission (CEC).

Earlier, it was reported that the Territorial Election Commission granted the application of Zhany Kyrgyzstan political party and refused to register the candidate from Adilet party Gulzada Abdinasyr kyzy. In its statement, Zhany Kyrgyzstan indicated that Gulzada Abdinasyr kyzy does not comply with the law on electoral rights. Namely, being a civil servant, she continued to work at the Chui-Tokmak Department of Statistics, although Adilet party had previously submitted a document on the suspension of her official powers.

In connection with the refusal to register the candidate, the Territorial Election Commission decided to deny registration of Adilet party. The commission was guided by the law on elections of local council deputies, according to which the party list should not contain more than 70 percent of persons of the same sex and at least one candidate with disabilities.

The political party did not agree with the decision of the TEC and sent a complaint to the CEC. In it, they presented their arguments and asked to cancel the decision of the Tokmak Territorial Commission.

The working group of the CEC reviewed the complaint and found that there are two more candidates with disabilities on the party list. Therefore, it recommended canceling the decision of the TEC. The members of the CEC supported this proposal.

The presidential decree «On the dissolution of local councils and calling the elections of deputies of local councils» was issued on September 6. Elections of deputies of 33 city and 231 rural councils are scheduled for November 17.
