The President of the Kyrgyz Republic congratulated the employees of the diplomatic service at a ceremonial event dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).
According to Sadyr Japarov, despite its small staff, the Foreign Ministry played a major role in strengthening the international authority of the republic, intensifying friendly relations with foreign countries and training future diplomatic personnel.«Some of these diplomats later successfully represented the USSR abroad, and after gaining independence, they made a huge contribution to strengthening the sovereignty and state independence of the Kyrgyz Republic. At that time, the visits of famous world leaders such as Robert Kennedy and William Douglas from the United States, the Shahanshah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the President of Vietnam Ho Chi Minh, the head of Finland Urho Kaleva Kekkonen, the Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi, as well as Mongolian parliamentarians became historic events for our country,» he said.
Such famous diplomats as Kazy Dyikanbaev, Shamshy Tayanov, Zakon Turdukulov, Kuluipa Konduchalova, Saken Begmatova, Zhamal Tashybekova, Roza Otunbayeva, Zhanyl Tumanbaeva, Ishenbay Abdrazakov, Chingiz Aitmatov, Muratbek Imanaliev, Zhumakadyr Atabekov, Almasbek Tilebaliev and Sagynaly Eshaliev were at the origins of modern Kyrgyz diplomacy.
The head of state noted that the next stage in the development of the diplomatic service of Kyrgyzstan began with independence. In December 1990, the Declaration of Independence was adopted, which strengthened the international recognition of the republic through the recognition of international law and the principles of friendship between peoples.
In a short period, the Kyrgyz Republic became a full member of the UN and to date has established diplomatic relations with more than 170 countries. In addition, the country is a member of 124 international organizations and is actively developing multilateral cooperation to strengthen political dialogue and create favorable conditions. Currently, Kyrgyzstan has diplomatic missions in more than 100 countries around the world, and over 100 foreign embassies and international organizations are accredited in Bishkek.
«At today’s anniversary event, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the veterans of the diplomatic service, many of whom are present in this hall. We highly appreciate your enormous contribution to the development of our state. Your knowledge, rich experience and active work inspire young diplomats... As our folk wisdom says: «Until two nations become friends, two mountains will not come together.» The Kyrgyz Republic is increasingly expanding its international ties with other countries. Currently, our diplomats not only strengthen international relations, but also create new opportunities for the development of the republic. The bridges of friendship that you have built, mutual respect and partnership with other countries have become the basis for the recognition of Kyrgyzstan in the international arena as a state that advocates for peace and strives for joint development,» Sadyr Japarov added.