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Local elections: 39 parties nominate more than 5,000 candidates

The parties have finished nomination of candidates for deputies of City Councils. The Central Election Commission of Kyrgyzstan (CEC) reported.

At least 39 political parties nominated 188 lists of candidates for deputies to 33 City Councils. It is 5,119 candidates in total.

The largest number — 9 parties participate in elections in Kant town, Kara-Balta, Toktogul and Bazar-Korgon cities;

Eight parties participate in Razzakov, Sulyukta and Balykchi cities;

Three parties participate in Aidarken, Kok-Jangak, Jalal-Abad, Kochkor-Ata, Mailuu-Suu cities;

From 4 to 8 parties are represented in other cities.

Candidates from El Umutu, Social Democrats, Zhany Kuch, Adilet, Yntymak, Uulu Jurt and Emgek parties will compete for 51 seats in Bishkek.

Where parties nominated their candidates:

  • Yntymak party will take part in the elections in almost all cities, with the exception of Jalal-Abad,
  • Zhany Kyrgyzstan party — in 30 cities (except Bishkek, Kemin and Orlovka);
  • Ishenim party — in 15 cities;
  • Emgek party — in 14 cities;
  • Adilet party — in 12 cities;
  • Social Democrats party — in 11 cities;
  • Birge — Together party — in 9 cities;
  • El Birimdigi party — in 8 cities;
  • El Umutu party — in 7 cities;
  • Yiman Nuru party — in 6 cities;
  • Muras party — in 5 cities;
  • Mekendesh party — in 4 cities;
  • Energetik and Zamandash parties — in 3 cities;
  • Taza Koom, Ordo, Mildet, El Aman parties — in 2 cities;
  • At least 21 parties nominated one list of candidates: Party of Communists, Uulu Jurt, Zhany Door, NDPC, Kalk Yntymagy, Ala-Too Kyrgyz Zheri, Zhany Kuch — Novaya Sila, Eldik Kyimyl, Patriot Yntymagy, Zhashtar, Tynchtyk, Erkin El, Bir Bol, Bizdin Kelechek, Ata-Meken, Butun Kyrgyzstan, Ak-Nur-Kelechek, Taza-Bulak, Adildettuu Kyrgyzstan, Uluu Kyrgyzstan, People’s Socialist Party Amanat.

The CEC added that territorial election commissions will check the compliance of the procedure for nomination of the list of candidates with the requirements of the law within 10 calendar days from the date of acceptance of the documents and will decide on registration of the list of candidates or issue a reasoned decision to refuse this.

Registration of the list of candidates for deputies of City Councils ends 30 calendar days before the election day, before October 18.

The presidential decree «On the dissolution of local councils and calling the elections of deputies of local councils» was issued on September 6. At least 484 local councils are subject to dissolution. Elections of deputies of 249 local councils (list is at the link) are scheduled for November 17.
