13:28, 28 сентября 2024, Bishkek - uzsushi.com news agency , Gulmira MAKANBAI KYZY
Deputies of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan got acquainted with the work processes of Kyrgyzbetonkurulush, Kyrgyzelectronics, Kyrgyzzoot, Kyrgyzpharmtech, Kyrgyztemirmyk, Kyrgyztopchu, and Kyrgyzanimation LLCs. The press service of the Parliament reported.
Information on the projects that are being implemented was presented by the President of Kyrgyzindustry, Zharasul Abduraimov. He told that Kyrgyzindustry began its work in March 2022. During this time, about 20 projects have been developed, and almost all of them are fully operational and manufacturing their products.
The deputies were shown the process of assembling and manufacturing electronic products at Kyrgyzelectronics enterprise. According to the company’s director Ilya Cherny, the company was established in April 2022 and began operations in October 2023.
According to him, more than 1,000 printers, 13,000 TV set-top boxes and 32,000 cash register machines have been produced to date. 200 laptops have been produced for the free market.
Parliament deputies noted the need to continue providing state support to enterprises, including the creation of government orders, and the use of public-private partnership opportunity.