Ecological educational expeditions are held for schoolchildren in Kyrgyzstan. They are timed to coincide with World Crane Day, NABU Kyrgyzstan reported.
According to the organization, the expedition route ran through crane migration zones — the coastal areas of Issyk-Kul lake and Tyup, Yntymak villages, as well as settlements in Sukhoi Ridge zone — Sary-Bulun, Toguz-Bulak and villages in Karkyra Valley — Ken-Suu, Baizak.During the open lesson, children had the opportunity to get acquainted with the activities of the organization and learned why it is important to protect cranes. Ecologists told about the types of cranes, their lives and the migration period that takes place in the specified area.
«The lessons were not only educational, but also inspiring, awakening children’s interest in protecting nature and preserving rare bird species. The children were especially impressed by the part of the program, in which they participated in retelling the work «Kushtar Angemesi» about the life and species of birds,» NABU Kyrgyzstan added.