12:00, 17 сентября 2024, Bishkek - uzsushi.com news agency , Maria ORLOVA
Rates of detection of cancer in children have improved in Kyrgyzstan. Sultan Stambekov, head of the Pediatric Oncology and Oncohaematology Department at the National Center for Maternity and Child Welfare, told at a press conference.
He noted that cancer in children does not depend on external factors, as in adults, so its incidence is considered constant. There are world indicators — 12-18 cases per 100,000 children per year.
«We have 10-11 per 100,000. Previously, an average of 8 cases per 100,000 were registered. But if you hear that the number of cancer cases in children increased, this does not mean that people are getting sick more often. This means that detection rates have improved. And this is good. Previously, such cases could be masked by other diseases and the child simply could not get to Bishkek and Osh, where pediatric oncology departments are located. They were not registered before,» he said.