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Kamchybek Tashiev: Ata Zhurt party will not participate in local elections

Ata Zhurt party will not participate in the local elections scheduled for November 17. The Chairman of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS) Kamchybek Tashiev posted on Facebook.

He noted that in some places, candidates for deputies have declared their desire to participate in the elections from Ata Zhurt party.

Disputes have arisen in some regions about leadership and first place on the lists. Among these candidates, there are many, who have long been deputies from parties associated with the government.

As a person who stood at the origins of the creation of Ata Zhurt party, I declare: it will not participate in the elections of deputies of local councils on November 17.

Kamchybek Tashiev

He explained this decision by the fact that Ata Zhurt party is associated with his name. Therefore, Kamchybek Tashiev considers it wrong to participate in the elections while holding a government position.

«Moreover, I will not participate with the party even in the parliamentary elections in 2026. Of course, the question may arise: «Why did you participate in the parliamentary elections in 2021?» To be honest, at that time I was too busy and did not pay attention to the elections. When party members came to me and asked for permission to participate in the parliamentary elections from Ata Zhurt party, I agreed, saying: «Do as you think fit,» the SCNS head wrote.

He said to members and supporters of Ata-Zhurt that participation in the elections from this party was not mandatory. They can participate with any party they like.

«I firmly believe that no matter which party you are elected from, you will continue to work for the benefit of the people,» Kamchybek Tashiev said.

We do not support any party or candidate and will not allow other government officials to help candidates.

Kamchybek Tashiev

Earlier, the head of state signed the Law «On administrative-territorial units at the level of aiyl aimaks and cities», which provides for the consolidation of administrative-territorial units in Kyrgyzstan and the approval of their administrative boundaries. In general, the administrative boundaries of 235 united aiyl aimaks and 33 cities of republican, regional and district significance are approved. As a result of the administrative-territorial reform, the area of ​​Bishkek increased from 12,900 to 38,600 hectares.

The decree of the President «On the dissolution of local councils and calling elections of deputies of local councils» was issued on September 6, which comes into force ten days after the date of its official publication.

At least 484 local councils are subject to dissolution. Elections of deputies of 249 local councils are scheduled for November 17.
