USD 87.45
EUR 94.92
RUB 1.03

307 classes with Kyrgyz language of instruction to be opened in schools

It is planned to open 307 classes with Kyrgyz language of instruction in Russian-language schools in 2024/25 academic year. The Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan reported.

According to it, currently, instruction in schools of the Kyrgyz Republic is conducted in five languages: Kyrgyz, Russian, Uzbek, English and Tajik.

Instruction is conducted in one language in 1,668 schools, namely:

  • In Kyrgyz — in 1,368 schools (or 57.6 percent of the total),
  • In Russian — 274,
  • In Uzbek — 18,
  • In Tajik — 3,
  • In English — 5.

There are also 709 schools with several languages ​​of instruction, 548 of which are with Kyrgyz and Russian.

There are 121 schools in Bishkek, of which:

  • With Kyrgyz language of instruction — 16,
  • With Russian — 20,
  • With several languages ​​- 85.

After the administrative-territorial reform, there are 71 schools in Osh city, of which:

  • With Kyrgyz language of instruction — 10,
  • Russian — 1,
  • Kyrgyz and Russian — 32,
  • Kyrgyz, Russian and Uzbek — 28.

At present, there are 2,377 schools in the republic, of which 2,173 are public and 204 are private. This is 27 schools more than last year.

They are attended by 1,491 million people that is 43,000 more than in 2023.
