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Monkeypox situation in Kyrgyzstan is stable, preventive measures being taken

The Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan reported that the epidemiological situation related to monkeypox is stable, but precautionary measures are being taken.

The ministry recalled that on August 15 the World Health Organization declared the monkeypox outbreak a public health emergency of international concern for the second time in two years. A sharp increase in the incidence rate is registered in some areas of Africa. On August 16, two cases of the disease were reported outside Africa — in Sweden and Pakistan.

The Ministry of Health reports a favorable epidemiological situation related to monkeypox in the Kyrgyz Republic and the absence of a suspicious case.

«In order to prevent the import of monkeypox virus into the republic, the ministry has taken preventive measures. Sanitary and quarantine measures have been strengthened at airports, railway stations and border checkpoints. Particular attention is paid to citizens arriving from countries where cases of monkeypox have been registered. The sanitary and quarantine points are equipped with thermal imagers and contactless thermometers,» the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic said.

With technical support from WHO, the ministry received 3,000 PCR test kits to detect the monkeypox virus in 2022.

The laboratories of the Department of Disease Prevention and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance and the Osh Sanitary Service Center conduct testing of people, who have returned from countries with unfavorable situation.

As of August 19, there are 500 PCR test systems.

The Ministry of Health added that anti-epidemic and preventive work continues, and measures will be taken to purchase additional test kits for the early detection of the disease. Joint work with the Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of the Kyrgyz Republic and timely provision of information to the population on the routes of transmission and prevention of monkeypox are planned.

Considering the epidemiological situation in certain countries, the ministry recommends citizens planning trips to countries, where cases of the disease have been recorded, to take precautions.

Typical symptoms of monkeypox:

  • A skin rash or lesions on the mucous membranes that may last for 2-4 weeks;
  • Fever;
  • Headache;
  • Muscle and back pain;
  • Weakness and swollen lymph nodes.