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Kyrgyz man attacked in U.S. turned out to be Russian citizen

A Kyrgyzstani, who was attacked in the U.S., turned out to be a citizen of Russia. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan said in a statement.

According to it, the Consulate General of the Kyrgyz Republic in Chicago promptly responded to the incident that occurred with the native of Kyrgyzstan in Los Angeles and is in touch with the victim.

«He told that he was a citizen of the Russian Federation, as a result of the attack he lost his Russian passport and military ID, internal U.S. documents. The victim noted that he has been in touch with the local police, the investigation continues as usual. The victim does not need any financial or other assistance,» the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

Earlier, the media reported that a mob of teenagers on bicycles attacked the Kyrgyzstani in the center of Los Angeles (USA) and robbed him on August 2.
