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Altai archaeologists to search for monuments of Turkic period in Kyrgyzstan

Archaeologists from the Altai State University will take part in an international expedition that will take place from August 18 to August 21 in Chui valley of Kyrgyzstan. The researchers will go in search of monuments of the Turkic period, the university says.

It is noted that a significant number of stone sculptures have been discovered on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The expedition will also include employees of the Kyrgyz National University named after Zhusup Balasagyn and the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University.

It is planned to survey several mountain valleys; archaeologists will use advanced equipment. In particular, the survey will be carried out using geo-information and digital technologies.

One of the main tasks of the short-term expedition will be photogrammetry of individual sculptures of the Turkic period. The data obtained will form the basis of an electronic catalogue with 3D models, which is planned to be created.

«A significant number of stone sculptures have been discovered in Kyrgyzstan at present, which are valuable sources for reconstructing the material culture of early medieval nomads, as well as their social structure, worldview and art,» Professor Alexey Tishkin, who is the scientific director on behalf of the Altai State University, said.

The expedition also aims to document funerary and memorial monuments. Their study can shed new light not only on funerary practices of the Turkic period, but also on everyday life, as well as migration routes and processes of interaction between nomads and the local settled population.
