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U.S Embassy supports future rural teachers in Kyrgyzstan

Thirty-three fellows are equipped to teach in rural schools across Chui region of Kyrgyzstan in September, thanks to Teach for Kyrgyzstan’s Summer Institute. The U.S. Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic reported.

The Summer Institute provided four-week training and development for these future social entrepreneurs in education: called ‘jaratmans’ in Kyrgyz, translated as ‘creators’ in English. The Teach for Kyrgyzstan project is administered by the organization Teach for KG with a grant from the U.S. Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic.

As reported, the Summer Institute trained participants in key areas including emotional intelligence, behavior management, lesson planning, and pupil assessment. Participants attended sessions with experts, engaged in self-directed learning, and practiced their new skills in real classrooms. After the Summer Institute, the project will raise funds for placing these fellows at 10 pilot schools in Chui region in cooperation with the Ministry of Education in the Kyrgyz Republic in autumn 2024.

«The organizing mission of the Teach For All network is to help children fulfill their potential, and this Institute is one step toward fulfilling that goal for children in the Chui region here in the Kyrgyz Republic,» the U.S. Ambassador Lesslie Viguerie said at the opening ceremony of the Summer Institute.

Teach for Kyrgyzstan, part of the Teach for All network, aims to modernize the Kyrgyz Republic’s education system with an innovative model, equipping rural schools and pupils with skills for modern civic engagement and economic participation.

This model, developed in collaboration with government bodies, schools, educators, civil society, and international experts from the Teach for All network, will integrate media literacy, critical thinking, creativity, community engagement, and accountable governance into standard school syllabuses of Chui region.
