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President lifts ban on increasing tariffs for paid services in universities

The President of Kyrgyzstan lifted the ban on increasing tariffs for paid services in higher education institutions. The relevant data is posted on Toktom information and legal portal.

«In order to improve the economic basis of state educational organizations of higher and secondary vocational education, social support for their employees, by decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic dated July 8, 2024, No. 180, the ban on increasing tariffs for paid educational services in state educational organizations of higher and secondary vocational education, previously imposed for three academic years, was lifted,» the text says.

In 2021, Sadyr Japarov enacted a decree on some measures to improve the system of payment for educational services and ensure transparency of the financial activities of educational organizations and a decree on urgent measures to ensure the constitutional right of children to receive primary, basic general and secondary general education.

The documents, as explained, were developed to support students of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, orphans and children without parental care, disabled people since childhood, disabled children, people with I and II groups of disability.
