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SDMK head concerned about destructive movements, calls for scientific struggle

The head of the Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of Kyrgyzstan (SDMK) is concerned that non-traditional religious movements and destructive trends are gaining strength. He urged to counter them with the help of scientific struggle. Abdulaziz Zakirov said this at a SDMK board meeting, where the results for the first half of 2024 were summarized.

According to the SDMK press service, the Mufti heard the report of the staff, evaluated their work, and also gave a verbal warning to those whose work was recognized as unsatisfactory.

Abdulaziz Zakirov urged the clerics to perform their work sincerely and faithfully, without neglecting their functional duties.

«Since the SDMK is a religious administration, our employees should be professionals, think in accordance with the requirements of the time, show flexibility, have moral principles and be an example for others,» he said.

The muftiyat also discussed the decisions made by the Ulemas Council and formed special commissions to work on strengthening the traditional Islamic concept, fight radicalism and extremism, prevent representatives of non-traditional movements from working in religious institutions, and monitor the dress code of clergy.
