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Cabinet of Ministers approves conditions for payment of guaranteed savings

Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan Akylbek Japarov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet. The press service of the Cabinet of Ministers reported.

At least 14 issues were considered, and a unified style of government bodies was presented.

The head of the Cabinet of Ministers congratulated Zhyldyz Polotova on her appointment to the responsible position of Minister of Labor, Social Security and Migration.

He told about the successful holding of the International Investment Energy Forum on the presentation of the construction project of Kambarata HPP-1 and noted that as a result of the event, a Coordination Donor Committee was created, which includes representatives of international organizations and financial institutions.

Also, by decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, the conditions for payment of guaranteed savings was approved.

According to it, cash deposits of citizens of Kyrgyzstan, as well as the former USSR, will be restored regardless of whether the depositor withdrew money from his or her account or closed his personal account as of January 1, 1992, by indexing their balances using the appropriate coefficients.

In addition, by this decision, RSK Bank JSC was appointed as an agent of the Cabinet of Ministers for the restoration of monetary savings of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as the former USSR.

By another decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, the building and land plot of the cinema, located in Uzgen district of Osh region, were transferred to the municipal ownership of Uzgen City Hall. The building was put into operation in 1974 and has not been renovated since then; the floors have rotted and the plaster has fallen off.

To date, the only cinema in the city requires major renovations to create a comfortable environment for moviegoers. Its transfer to Uzgen City Hall will allow to carry out repair work at the expense of the local budget and commission it in 2024-2025.

Also, by decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, a resolution was adopted on measures for the implementation of a pilot public-private partnership project in Kyrgyzstan «Creation and operation of a station for sorting solid household waste in Osh.»

The document was adopted in order to improve the sanitary and environmental condition of the southern capital, reduce carbon emissions and pollution, create «green» jobs and a favorable environment for life and health of the population, increase the efficiency of use of energy, resources and ecosystem services, as well as attract private investment and develop infrastructure.

At the end of the meeting, the unified design of government bodies, in particular official business forms, logos, folder and file design were presented.
