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Kyrgyzstan plans to establish Father's Day, Committee approves draft law

The Committee on Social Policy of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan considered and approved the draft law «On Establishing Father’s Day in the Kyrgyz Republic» in the first reading.

The document is aimed at strengthening and increasing the responsibility of men in the family.

«The draft law helps to emphasize and recognize the role of fathers, provides them with the opportunity to feel deep gratitude and appreciation from children, family and society. Father’s Day expresses support and recognition of the role of men and their responsibilities in all key aspects. This allows to create an atmosphere of encouragement for fathers who are actively involved in the upbringing of children, taking care of their family, to stimulate the role of fathers in upbringing and to remove stereotypes that taking care of children is the exclusive responsibility of mothers,» the background statement to the bill reads.

It is noted that, contrary to the norms of the Constitution, some adult children leave their fathers in nursing homes. This is a bad indicator for society.

One of the initiators of the document, MP Meder Aliyev emphasized that the law does not underestimate the contribution of mothers. «Father and mother play the same role. We have Mother’s Day. If we establish Father’s Day as well, it will not be superfluous,» he noted.

The draft law also says that the document will help develop an emotional bond between father and child, form traditions of respect and recognition, as well as support the active participation of men in the upbringing of children.

The Father’s Day, which is proposed to be celebrated annually on March 15, is not a day off.
