Bishkek hosts exhibition of artists from 6 Turkic countries

09:47, 07 июня 2024, Bishkek - news agency , Anastasia MOKRENKO

The international exhibition «Women’s Universe of the Turkic World» was opened at the National Museum of Fine Arts named after Gapar Aitiev in Bishkek.

The works by 14 famous artists are presented at the exhibition: Nargiz Gulieva (Azerbaijan), Leila Mahat and Gulnazim Omirzak (Kazakhstan), Orozgan Mambetalieva, Rosa Dzhangaracheva, Gulnara Musabai, Nyurguyana Innokentyeva, Zura Turdubaeva, Nurkan Kangeldieva (Kyrgyzstan), Khatidzha Amanskhedova and Ainagozel Nuryeva ( Turkmenistan), Halima Turkyilmaz and Kamuran Kardas (Turkey), Shahnoz Abdullayeva and Sarvinoz Kasymova (Uzbekistan).

TURKSOY Secretary General Sultan Raev noted at the opening ceremony that the purpose of the event was to unite artists from Turkic-speaking countries and show their creative potential.

«The creativity of each participant reflects the cultural memory and spiritual codes of their peoples. The authors participating in the exhibition not only depict the world around them, but also create a unique spiritual space — the world of a woman. This universe contains images and symbols that glorify feminine thoughts and humanistic values,» Sultan Raev added.

Director of the Art Gallery of Uzbekistan and one of the initiators of the exhibition, Kamola Akilova, said that at the exhibition one can see works that both preserve the «genetic memory» of the Turkic people and reveal universal human values.

«The issue of gender balance, the activation of women in various fields and the protection of their rights is very relevant today. A Turkic proverb says: «If you teach a man, you teach a man; if you teach a woman, you teach the whole people.» For centuries, the talents of Turkic women have been manifested in traditional crafts: carpet weaving, felting, embroidery, and artistic printed works. The works of contemporary artists continue this tradition, reflecting a woman’s understanding of beauty, harmony and inner peace,» Kamola Akilova said.

A catalogue was also published for the exhibition. It is expected that the exposition will be exhibited in other Turkic countries in the future.

You can see the paintings in Bishkek until June 8.

As part of the exhibition, master classes from the artists participating in the exhibition «Women’s Universe of the Turkic World» for students of art educational institutions of the capital will be held on June 8.