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Mammoth bones discovered in Issyk-Kul region of Kyrgyzstan

A mammoth tusk was discovered in sandy outcrops of the ancient floodplain of Jyrgalan river in Issyk-Kul region. The Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports and Youth Policy of Kyrgyzstan reported.

The owner of the quarry announced the find. A group of archaeologists went to the site.

Fragments of the tusk and lower jaw were found in two different places at a distance of 140-150 meters from each other in sand and gravel deposits at a depth from three to five meters.

Already exposed bones do not remain in their original form for long and quickly crumble under the influence of sunlight. Therefore, experts hammered the pit from top to bottom and cleaned the find, which turned out to be the preserved lower part of a mammoth skull.

Due to the poor preservation of the bones, archaeologists were able to pull out only a part of the skull.

The previously found fragments of the tusk and jaw were cleaned and initially preserved on site. All finds are packed and prepared for transportation. After conservation, they will be transferred to the museum.

Experts hope for more discoveries in the area.

The valley of Jyrgalan river is famous for its finds of Pleistocene fauna.

The Ministry of Culture appeals to all citizens of the country with a request to ensure the safety of historical and cultural heritage sites and to immediately report findings to the government agency and archaeologists.
