Incident with replacement of state symbols at schools investigated in Suzak

09:48, 01 июня 2024, Bishkek - news agency , Anvar ABDULLAEV

Unknown people lowered to the ground and burned the state flags placed on the arch near B. Shamshiev secondary schools No. 4 and S. Atabekov No. 88. The flags were replaced with white cloths with Arabic inscriptions. The press service of the Department of Internal Affairs of Jalal-Abad region reported.

The incident occurred on May 30 from 3.20 a.m. to 4 a.m. At about 4.15 a.m., a resident of Bek-Abad village reported to police department of Suzak district that a white cloth with an Arabic inscription was hanging near the village school.

The operative-investigation group of Jalal-Abad Department of Internal Affairs and Suzak District Department of Internal Affairs went to the scene and found that white cloths with inscriptions in Arabic were hung on the arch at the two schools, and the state flags were lowered and burned.

According to the police, the language of instruction in one of the schools is Kyrgyz and in the other — Uzbek. A similar white flag with an inscription was also found on the gate of Atabekov village administration building.

All the facts were registered. The incident was documented with the help of photo and video shooting, the flags were seized and sent for examination.

Investigative measures are underway to identify people responsible for the incident.