USD 87.45
EUR 94.92
RUB 1.03

Kyrgyzstan's external debt reaches $4.6 billion

As a result of January 2024, the public debt of Kyrgyzstan (external and internal) amounted to $6,270.5 billion (560,081.34 billion soms). The Ministry of Finance provided the data.

As noted, $4,627.07 billion (413,289.45 billion soms) is external debt, $1,643.44 billion (146,791.9 billion soms) is internal one.

At the end of January 2024, public debt amounted to 44.5 percent of the updated forecast GDP.

More than half (53.6 percent) of the external debt are multilateral loans of the Kyrgyz Republic — $2,480.63 billion. Other $2,079.5 billion (44.9 percent of the external debt) the country owes within bilateral concessional loans. At least 36.9 percent of the republic’s external debt is the debt to the Export-Import Bank of China, which amounted to $1,707.71 billion at the end of January 2024.
