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State language transfer exam postponed to next academic year in Kyrgyzstan

Transfer exam in the state language for students of 5-8th and 10th grades will be officially held from the next academic year. Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan Muratbek Kasymaliev informed uzsushi.com news agency.

According to him, the exam will not be held nationwide this year, so there is no order from the ministry.

«We decided to choose some pilot schools, let’s say 20 schools in Bishkek, and we will hold the exam there to determine the level of students’ knowledge of the state language. This year we will prepare the tests, and next year we will gradually start,» Muratbek Kasymaliev said.

Earlier it was reported that students of 9th and 11th grades already pass the state exam in Kyrgyz, while the rest will take a transfer state language exam.

According to the Law «On the State Language» written and oral transfer exams (from class to class) are introduced on a mandatory basis in general educational organizations (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums), and in organizations of primary, secondary and higher vocational education — entrance and final Kyrgyz language exams.
