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Victory Day: What events to be held in Bishkek

The City Hall of Bishkek told what events will be held in the capital as part of the celebration of the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

A meeting requiem with laying flowers at the Eternal Flame will take place on May 9 at 10 a.m. on Victory square. A «soldier’s porridge» and a festive concert will also be organized there.

Festive events with a concert program will be held in Victory Park named after Dair Asanov, in the park named after Cholponbai Tuleberdiev and in Panfilov park.

In addition, classes, open classes, competitions and other activities related to the memorable date are held in all educational organizations of the capital.

According to the City Hall, there are nine veterans of the Great Patriotic War living in Bishkek to date.
