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SDMK warns blogger for statements on social media

The Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of Kyrgyzstan (SDMK) issued a warning to blogger Ainura Sagynbaeva.

As the Muftiyat reported, Ainura Sagynbaeva’s religious comments are an outright distortion of Islam and contradict the moral values ​​of society.

«Some of her thoughts distance her from faith. If the above-mentioned citizen does not stop expressing her subjective thoughts that do not correspond to the principles of Sharia and national values, we will be forced to contact the relevant authorities,» the SDMK noted.

Earlier, blogger Ainura Sagynbaeva, who positions herself as a psychologist and cosmetologist, stated in her video blog that sex outside marriage is not a sin. According to her, for men, a prolonged absence of sex is harmful to health.

«Therefore, do not believe in different things, take care of your health, sex outside marriage is not a sin. Just take precautions. The most important thing is to remain human,» she said.

Ainura Sagynbaeva deleted her video on social media after the warning from the SDMK.
