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Scientific conference dedicated to ethnic Kyrgyz held in Kabul

A scientific conference dedicated to ethnic Kyrgyz was held at the University of Maiwand (Kabul). One of the initiators of the event, representative of the public association Kyrgyz El Birimdigi, historian, researcher of Kyrgyz ancestry (sanzhyrachi) Razhap Kadyrov told uzsushi.com news agency.

According to him, historians, ethnographers, genealogists and leaders of local Kyrgyz clans living in Afghanistan participated in the conference.

«The event was organized by the Chairman of the Community of Turkic Peoples of Afghanistan, a member of the Afghan Parliament, Rector of the University of Maiwand Abdyrazak Hashim and Deputy Minister of Border Affairs of Afghanistan, the leader of Afghan Kyrgyz Aminillakhom Kurbanaly uulu. The goal is to study the genealogy of Kyrgyz clans of Afghanistan, determine their number and area of residence,» he said.

Razhap Kadyrov added that the Kyrgyz live in Afghanistan not only in the high Pamir region. Among the participants were Aji Rayim Jalil, a representative of the Pamir Kyrgyz, Said Aji, head of Katagan clan, and leaders of such clans as Karlyk, Bargy, Kesek, Orgu, Naiman, Kypchak and Konurat.

Razhap Kadyrov has been in Afghanistan for a month on assignment and with financial support from the Kyrgyz El Birimdigi public association to conduct genealogical research on local Kyrgyz and Turkic peoples.

«I am conducting field research, collecting materials on the historical roots of the Afghan Kyrgyz and Turkic peoples living here. I study their sanzhyra, collect family histories. I found a lot of interesting and unique information. For example, I found the burial place of Abdyldabek, the eldest son of the famous Alymbek and Kurmanjan Datka. I met with his descendants,» Razhap Kadyrov said.
