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About 1,868 orphan children live in Kyrgyzstan

About 1,868 orphan children live in Kyrgyzstan. The Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Migration provide the data in the background statement to the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers «On the procedure of opening, replenishing and using the funds of the state children’s deposit Kelechekke Salym.

The document has been submitted for public discussion.

It is noted that the purpose and objectives of the draft resolution are to create favorable conditions for the development of orphan children, ensuring their rights to improvement of health, housing conditions and getting education.

According to Article 27 of the Constitution, the state cares for, raises and educates orphans. At the same time, conditions are created for them to receive free primary, secondary and higher vocational education, and they are also provided with social security.

The ministry notes that orphans, having reached adulthood (18 years old), having limited starting opportunities, experience serious difficulties adapting to independent life. In solving personal problems, they can only rely on their own strength. So that they do not feel disadvantaged, so that they can get a decent education, find a successful job, create a happy family and become worthy members of society, financial support from the state is necessary. Supporting orphans in the future will reduce the state’s social burden, because the insecurity of orphan graduates ultimately creates many problems for the entire society, the Ministry of Labor believes.

On average, from 270 to 290 orphans reach adulthood in the republic every year.

The President signed the Decree «On the introduction of the state children’s deposit Kelechekke Salym» from June 1.

«The deposit will be opened at Aiyl Bank OJSC and will ensure the state’s contribution to the future of orphan children to improve their health, living conditions and education when they reach the age of 18. The deposits will be replenished for each child until adulthood at the expense of the republican budget. The total amount will be no less than 500,000 soms,» the background statement says.

Implementation of the draft resolution will require additional 271 million soms per year from the republican budget. In the future, the amount required for payment will be formed from funds provided annually in the republican budget and interest accrued during the period of placement of funds on deposit accounts.
