In May 2024, students of grades 5-8 and 10 will have a transfer exam in the state language. The Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan told news agency.
The ministry recalled that students of grades 9 and 11 already take the state exam in Kyrgyz.
«The rest don’t have to worry. Testing will be held as part of the school curriculum in the subject «Kyrgyz language» based on the results of the fourth quarter. If the school has a computer class, a computer test can be held there. This year, transfer exams are held only to find out the rating, how much the student has mastered the material in Kyrgyz. In subsequent years, we’ll see, perhaps some kind of single exam will be held online. We are discussing this issue now,» the Ministry of Education noted.
It was previously reported that according to the Law «On the State Language», written and oral transfer exams (from class to class) are mandatory in general education organizations (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums), and in organizations of primary, secondary and higher professional education — entrance and final exams in the Kyrgyz language.
In specialized schools, where children with hearing impairments are taught, instruction in Russian sign language is allowed.