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Parliamentary speaker proposes blocking foreign language content for children

Speaker of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan Nurlanbek Shakiev, during the discussion of the bill «On Halal Industry», proposed blocking cartoons and games for children in English and Russian and creating them in Kyrgyz, since, according to him, children even in remote villages begin to speak Russian and English languages.

He urged deputies to say «adal» in Kyrgyz rather than «halal» in Arabic.

«Let’s speak Kyrgyz. We have Arabized our native language, we use a lot of Russian words in speech. We call our children Arabic names. There are good Kyrgyz names: Bakyt, Taalai, Elmurza, Ulukbek, Balbak, Cholpon, Jyldyz, Nurbek, Akylbek. Not only the language is being lost, so are the names,» Shakiev said.

MP Kamila Talieva demanded to change the word «halal» to «adal» in the bill. Marlen Mamataliev explained that it would not be possible to change the name of the standard in the bill.

«Yes, we have to call it in Kyrgyz, but there are international standards, for example ISO. If we translate it into Kyrgyz, our products will not go outside the country. There are also brands the names of which we cannot change, such as Coca-Cola,» he said.

MP Dastan Zhumabekov sharply disagreed with the speaker, saying that every parent has the right to name their child whatever they want.

«I think there is freedom of speech and thought. And everyone has the right to name their child whatever they want. I took your words as a restriction,» the deputy said.
